Thursday, July 8, 2010

Cake Decorating 101

The idea came to me one day to start learning some homemaking skills. Then right after that my cousin Annie asked me if I wanted to take a cake decorating class with her. I figured it was meant to be and said heck yes! I was a bit concerned because I had never baked a cake before. But it turned out ok and I only had a few minor mishaps and only wanted to throw my cake in the garbage a measly 4 out of the 5 times that I baked it. I just get stressed out about it being perfect. Here is the progress...

The first week we learned some frosting skills on these cupcakes.

This was the cake that I was the best at! Probably because it was the easiest. Ha. But that's ok. I still love my little turle cake. "I like tuddles."

This cake really had me frustrated. But that's ok. I think I will just be buying my children's Barbie cakes instead of making them. Ha.

I still get amazed when I look at these pictures. I can't believe I really made that cake! Ha. Funny story behind this one... When I was frosting this cake at home with just the yellow frosting, I was getting very frustrated because it wasn't going smooth like I wanted it to. Lynsie, aka Miss encourager, said it's ok Brit, not everyone can be as good as Annie. It made me so mad at the time but now I think it's funny.

Here are all of us cake decorators with our teacher Beth. She is so so so amazing at decorating cakes! She makes it look so easy and it really truly isn't. I am not going to say that I hope I get as good as her because that will literally never happen. But at least now thanks to her and her skills, I will be able to make my children's future birthday cakes. The class definitely made me feel way more comfortable about baking in general and I am so grateful that I have learned this skill! Thanks Beth and all of my fellow cake mates! It was really fun!

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed with all of your cakes! I am also trying to learn some homemaking skills lately, but cake decorating would probably have me crying in the corner. I REALLY want to make my children's birthday cakes but I never really see myself being that talented. Way to go girl!
