Monday, October 4, 2010

I Bleed Blue!

My family has been BYU fans for as long as I can remember. My uncle Todd has had season tickets for I think he said 27 or 28 years so everyone else just kind of followed suit. We have all been able to go to some games over the years. I haven't really known how I felt about it. Games are pretty boring but I haven't been for a long time. Well Todd called and said that he had 3 extra tickets and I happened to have the night off so after debating about it for a while, Lyns, Alyssa, and I decided to take the tickets. I was the only one that had to debate about going or not. Lynsie and Alyssa were in from the first second.

Lyns and I sitting in the bleachers. The seats are awesome. They are underneath this sign thing so that they are protected when it rains or snows and it keeps the sun off of them too. The only problem is that they are on the very top row. I am a little out of shape and that trek up those stairs is pretty much horrible. When I carried Kate up I was literally seeing stars by the time I got up there. Sad I know. And one thing that Lyss and I couldn't figure out though was the cheer that they do when they yell: "First Down!" or something like that. We always kept doing it at the wrong time. I didn't ever get it.

This adorable little girl Kate is the funniest little girl ever. She was getting restless so I took her down with us to get a snowie and to take a break from the bleachers. I had bought a water and she had just gotten done taking a huge drink from the water bottle like she was dying of thirst and then all the sudden just closed her eyes. We looked at each other and were all, "did she seriously just fall asleep?" And she wasn't smiling or anything. It was hilarious. She did it for at least a full minute. We finally got the camera out and then she started smiling slyly and opened her eyes. The little stink. It was adorable. Then she knew that we thought it was funny and kept doing it.

The girls in our cool BYU attire. Notice how cute Kate looks. She had on a cute little jean skirt and blue ribbons in her pigtails. So sweet.

The cousins! We are a BYU family! But Colton is definitely the biggest Cougar fan of us all!

The Cougars themselves at halftime. Rise and shout!

Best BYU cousins ever!

I took this picture of Colton and Lynsie. Colty is so lucky because he has the best seats ever! Right above the field. I could actually pay attention to the game when I was down there with him.

After the game we went to the Olive Garden. So good and so fun!

I just had to post this picture of Kate after the game was over. It makes me laugh so hard. This is how I kind of felt too. And she is super adorable still even with her hair pulled out and a messy face! The game was super fun but a little long. I was happy that Kate was there to keep me entertained. I am so glad that we were able to go! And I am happy to say that even though the game was a little long I am definitely a BYU fan! I bleed blue! It was so fun and thanks so much for the tickets Mary and Todd! We'll take extra tickets off your hands anytime!

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