Friday, June 4, 2010

Farewell Simon!

I am finally ok enough to post about this. I love, love, love American Idol. I just started watching it last year but I instantly became hooked! My very favorite thing about the show was Simon.
I am completely and totally head over heels for him!

I think that he is so witty and charming and I love that he says exactly what he is thinking. Sure sometimes he says mean things but for the most part they are true.

Here are some of my favorite Simon quotes:

"Did you really believe you could become the American Idol? Well, then, you're deaf."

"My advice would be if you want to pursue a career in the music business, don't."

"If your lifeguard duties were as good as your singing, a lot of people would be drowning."

"There was one great part to your song - it was the end!"

"Oh, gosh, where do I start? I mean I'm not being rude but you look like the Incredible Hulk's wife."

"I actually wish you had forgotten the lyrics, because it was such a pointless performance."

“It was almost like you were giving birth up there at the end.”

“It’s like you want one scoop of ice cream and you got eleven. It was almost too much.”

“If you would be singing like this two thousand years ago, people would have stoned you.”

“What is a Free Willy?! What’s the film about? I’m confused because I can’t connect a whale called Willy and what you just did.”

"We've done three seasons of American Idol and by now it is safe to assume that most people know that you have to be able to sing. But people turn up who can`t sing a note and yet they believe they are the Second Coming."

"I never want to hear that song again. I cannot stand it. I'm allergic to it."

He just has a way of saying things in a way that no one else can or dares to.

And when he winks on the show I literally feel giddy. I get so excited when he comes out!

So obviously it was a very difficult thing for me to watch the finale this year. They did and said so many nice things for him and about him but it was still so sad to me. I literally missed him inbetween the seasons this year and now he will not be back on it at all. Everytime they would put the camera on him or start talking about him I would start crying. At times during the show I was literally sobbing. Probably the most touching is when they had all of the past winners come out and sing together. Talk about a tear jerker! Lynsie told me that I looked like someone had died by the time that the show was over. And the next day I had a headache and my eyes were a little swollen. I know that I probably take these sort of things too seriously but I can't help it. I love him and totally get into it. It was a very sad night. In my opinion American Idol is basically over. It will not last without him. He made American Idol what it is today.

I felt pretty bad that I was so distracted with Simon's farewell because I should have been and really am so happy that Lee won!

I know that they said this a lot on the show but he truly is what American Idol is all about. He was a worker at a paint store before he came on the show and now he is an amazing, famous singer who is making albums. He is absolutely adorable, humble, and so talented.

Everytime that he would get the "Lee DeWyze eyes" I would tear up too. I love him and can't wait for his cd's to come out! So overall, American Idol was another huge success in my opinion. I hope that it can stay as good as it always has been and that Ellen can keep it going but I am worried. But if not then I guess I will just be switching over to the X-Factor or whatever it is. Even if that isn't good it'll at lease have Simon to watch!


  1. Simon truly is a dear! I am sorry you were so upset that night. I feel like a bad friend for not sending flowers or something. I hope you will be able to fully recover from your loss. Go Lee! I hate Crystal so I am glad Lee won. I wish I was as into AI as you like I used to be! Maybe X Factor will be my new obsession.

  2. Lame post. jk, I'm just not a fan of Idol. I'm super glad you updated though :)and it would've been nice to read the post about your new mode of transportation before you showed up in my driveway, you know like a warning.
